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August 29, 2024

Nicole Broch Estrup

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

TPC Boston

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nicole. Just talk about your round today. You had a great round to start this tournament. Talk about how you felt like you played out there.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: To be honest, I was very anxious out there. I was super nervous.

It's one of those days where, I mean, I hate to say, but I didn't feel comfortable. Like I don't feel like I played well, but I played well.

Like I kept the ball in play. I had a couple good up and downs and made two long putts, one on the last as well from like 30 feet, so that was nice.

But, yeah, I mean, solid, but not solid if that makes sense.

Q. Talk about this course and the conditions you saw, especially since we haven't been here; first round. Give us a taste of what was out there and did that lead to the anxiousness too maybe?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I mean, the course is really nice. Like I think it's almost like a major course. Like it's a proper golf course. You need to, yeah, think your way around and you've got to be -- I mean, there is just not a lot of birdies out there and you can easily make bogeys.

The greens are super fast, firm as well, so like my bogey on 17 I felt like I hit a good shot in. I pitched it probably 15 shy of the pin and it rolled over the green with a pitching wedge.

I mean, it's hard out there, but I do like that, and I think, yeah, I like it when it's -- when you don't have to play super aggressive.

Q. And talk about staying patient on a course like this as well. Birdied the last. Great momentum into the next day. Like you said there were some bogeys, too.

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: Yeah, I feel like this week and this course just sets up for patience. Like that's going to be the main thing. Like whoever is more patient is gonna be up there this week.

Because as I said, like there is just not a lot of birdies out there. Obviously if you're playing really well you might play a little bit more aggressive, but I don't think you can be too aggressive with the greens being that firm.

Yeah, I'm honestly very proud of myself for getting through the day the way I did. Like, yeah, my caddie has a big influence in that, and, yeah, so it was a good day.

Q. I was going to ask if there was any time you felt like you settled in with the nerves? Any strategies to calm down maybe?

NICOLE BROCH ESTRUP: I mean, it's a work in progress. It really is. Yeah, maybe middle of the round I felt a little bit more calm.

Overall, I just, as I said, like I didn't feel comfortable at all. Definitely going to go to the range and see if I can just find something. Like it's there, but, yeah, I just don't have that like the perfect swing thought right now, yeah.

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