August 29, 2024
Sutton, Coldfield, England
The Belfry Hotel & Resort
Quick Quotes
Q. Excellent 5-under round to open up the tournament. What really worked well for you out there today?
JEONG WEON KO: I think it was solid overall. I played the driver well. My irons were good. Putting was really good. Yeah, there was no part of the game that was bad really. So quite happy with the round.
Q. This is a golf course that you have played before. You played here last year. Were you able to use any sort of previous experience today and this week?
JEONG WEON KO: A hundred per cent. I played really decent last year. I was hitting the ball really well. So I banked on that and went with it. Greens were a bit firmer this week, so a bit more cautious about the pins. That was the key to success I think today.
Q. How did the golf course play because a lot of players have actually already said it's slightly firmer than last year.
JEONG WEON KO: It was a bit firmer. So more difficult than last year. But I liked it because on the wedges you know you're not having those eight-metre spins where it's really tough to control. That was a plus for me. I capitalised on that.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
