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August 29, 2024

Dan Sullivan

Ooltewah, Tennessee, USA

The Honors Course

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously the putter just didn't seem to be cooperating, especially down the stretch. You had some chances.

DAN SULLIVAN: Yeah, I didn't play well at all. Three bogeys is not a recipe for success. Give him credit; he played great. He made four birdies in the first eight holes or seven holes.

Q. Birdie-birdie start, too.

DAN SULLIVAN: Yeah, he got up early and continued to play solid, and I was chasing the whole day and was never able to make any inroads.

Q. When you get down early, what do you say to yourself to get yourself mentally back into it?

DAN SULLIVAN: Honestly, nothing changes for me. My goal playing out here was just make pars because they're good. Today it wasn't good enough. He outplayed me. I just give him all the credit. As it got later in the round, I had to get a little more aggressive.

But again, he just played better than me.

Q. I watched you on 12; you almost drove the green, got up-and-down --


Q. 11 you had a chance and left it in the bunker.

DAN SULLIVAN: That was a tough bunker shot. Really the problem was hitting my first ball into that bunker from the fairway.

Q. Then here you hit a great approach shot, ran out a little bit and had a good look at it.

DAN SULLIVAN: Yeah, didn't hit a very good putt and then made double on 13. That kind of --

Q. What did you hit from down there?

DAN SULLIVAN: I just thinned a gap wedge. I think I had 110 yards or something.

Q. Sum up your week. You get to the finals. There's a lot of things that come with the finals. You're in the Mid-Am, you're in the Senior Open next year, you're in the U.S. Am next year in your home state.

DAN SULLIVAN: I mean, it's been an unbelievably awesome week. Just to get here was a big goal for me, and to get this far was even more special. The staff here has been awesome to me, and given all the history that I've had here, I couldn't have asked for much better of an outcome.

Q. How many Luptons have you played in?

DAN SULLIVAN: I'm going to say 11 or 12. I played the first 10 after the Mid-Am, and then I started having to take a break because I've got kids, and Memorial Day weekend was a tough time to come out here. But this year I came because I was hoping to play in this, and it worked out.

Q. Did you play the Mid-Am here in '05?

DAN SULLIVAN: Yeah, I did.

Q. Did you make match play?

DAN SULLIVAN: No, I didn't. That was actually my first USGA event, so I was a little in awe of the whole experience. Getting here was a big step, and then again continuing forward from there. To make the finals of a USGA event is awesome in and of itself. Hopefully I can do this again because I had so much fun.

Q. You'll have three more chances at this at least.

DAN SULLIVAN: Great. Not having to qualify is awesome. I think it's the hardest part is getting into the event. Once you're there, anything can happen.

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