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August 25, 2024

Sam Burns

Castle Rock, Colorado, USA

Castle Pines Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How good was that round today?

SAM BURNS: I guess we'll find out here in a couple hours. Yeah, it was. I think the golf course is tricky. If you get it in the fairway, it makes it a lot easier. But then the altitude and the wind today and the greens firming up, it was definitely tough.

I think overall it was a really, really good round.

Q. Talk about the reaction to the bunker shot, almost holing out on 18 there.

SAM BURNS: Yeah, we had a good number with the wind being down, and it kind of switched and came off the left when I hit it. We're trying to hit it close there, so you're playing pretty small margins, just trying to cover the bunker and keep it underneath the hole.

I hit the bunker shot, I knew it was a good line and I knew it was a pretty good weight. Sometimes they go in, sometimes they don't.

Q. And the reaction?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, it was a little dramatic. I just saw it. But it is what it is.

Q. Whether you come out today on top or not, you made a huge move in the FedExCup that's going to set you up a lot closer to the lead going into the TOUR Championship. How big is that for you going into East Lake?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, it's great. Scottie starting ahead, I don't even know the words for that. He doesn't need any more help than how good he already is. It'll definitely be nice to be closer than what I was entering the week.

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