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August 25, 2024

Angel Yin

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Bogey on 17, birdie on 18 to finish your round. Fitting way to end on the Old Course?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, it's amazing. I don't think I got the best draw in the first two days. So from 6-over to finish under par in the red is pretty special. Especially unable to make an up-and-down on 17 and be in with a birdie on the last. So that was a nice way to finish.

Q. Were conditions as bad as Thursday?

ANGEL YIN: No, no, not as bad. I think Thursday was the worst. We were walking sideways. I know everybody -- everybody complains, and everybody complains when they played in the afternoon.

But there's no, there's no comparison. I mean, numbers can tell you how many people made the cut, their scoring average for that morning on Thursday.

So today was tough but nothing compared to Thursday. And it's dying down now.

Q. How would you rate your game right now?

ANGEL YIN: It's really good. My game all week has been really good. Thursday didn't really show up because it was kind of more like a shock to the core that I couldn't wean walk straight. So I kind of adjusted on Friday. I've been playing really good. I just need to keep trusting the process and hopefully some good score also come out.

Q. What was the --

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I don't know if there was much talking going on because we were in the wind and the conditions are tough. But it's always nice to play with a fellow American or just someone really nice, honestly.

Q. After Taiwan, did you think you would be here?

ANGEL YIN: No. No. I was about to cry. One of my friends didn't let me cry.

Yeah, now I can have a beer, a Sunday at Dunvegan.

Q. You're very pleased with your outcome?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, I'm very happy. I mean, unfortunately I didn't get to be in contention and try to win the Cup, which would have been really special.

But then, you know, the more you play this golf course, the more -- it's so amazing, and the more I like it. Every single condition, every single day is so different. You can play the golf course so many different ways. I think this is such a special golf course. Because I never played this before this week. And I think it's exceeded my expectations. I think it might be my favourite golf course I've played on.

Q. Great finish. Good for your Solheim Cup chances?

ANGEL YIN: Of course. I didn't get to play in the Olympics or compete in it this year. So to be able to do Solheim would be very special. You know, because I love wearing my flag on my cleft.

Q. Can you talk about your journey from Solheim Cup to now, what would it mean to represent America again?

ANGEL YIN: It means a lot. I've done it three times, and you know, we are in a Cup drought. So hopefully we can all get together and use our teamwork and do whatever we need to do to win the Cup back, and I think that would be very special, especially since we haven't done it for the last three Solheims.

Q. Have you spoken to Stacy?

ANGEL YIN: No, I have not. Obviously the weeks are closing in and the announcement is next week. So I think they are all busy and I don't think they want to talk to us, especially since I'm on the border.

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