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August 24, 2024

Chris Buescher

Daytona Beach, Florida

Pit Lane Interview

Q. Chris, is there some disappointment in the one that got away tonight at Daytona?

CHRIS BUESCHER: Yeah, our Mustang was so good. We were able to push unbelievably well, make a ton of speed. It was a lot of fun for a long while there, caught up in another accident. Just trying to get it to the end. Ultimately it was not the day we needed.

Yeah, I mean, we go into Darlington points being what they are, yeah, a little bit of a cushion there. We know we were really good there last time. Try and seal the deal this go-around and make it easy going into the Playoffs.

Q. What about the Ford company coming this weekend with such a great effort?

CHRIS BUESCHER: Yeah, I mean, from qualifying to the race, we're obviously showing some tremendous progress. It's been a big turnaround on the year for Ford as a whole. Appreciate all the help that we're getting from them.

I know this one means a lot. So thanks to everybody there, Roush-Yates, everybody that's giving us power to be competitive.

We're in the hunt again. Just got caught up and didn't have a chance to really fight for it there.

Q. Will you be able to relax this week or all tensed up with one to go?

CHRIS BUESCHER: We'll take a couple days. We'll take a breather. We'll get to Darlington, time to get down to business.

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