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August 23, 2024

Angel Yin

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Incredible play for you with the eagles and birdies. How did that all happen on a windy day like this?

ANGEL YIN: I just got really lucky, honestly. I'm really so blessed because all the putts I made for my eagles were really long, off the green. One of them was on the green, but the other one was off the green. Coming in after my eagle was pretty rough, especially the last hole, which was kind of nerve-racking, which is so unnecessary because I was right next to the hole.

I just think I've been so blessed with making the putts and just getting so lucky today because the conditions we're playing in was really tough. Beginning of the round my friend did say, I never really understood luck of the draw until today, and this week she really did see the luck of the draw, which is the perks of playing in Scotland and just over here in general. But it's so much fun, to be honest.

Q. Out of all the lucky shots, tell us about the one on 11.

ANGEL YIN: I hit an incredible shot into the green, but at the end of the day you can hit such a great shot, be close to the hole -- I think I was maybe 12 to 15 feet. But the wind is howling so hard that your putter is moving, your body is moving, and the ball is being moved by the wind. To make a putt is honestly super hard, and because -- when the wind is blowing like that, you don't really see the break. You have to just guess, and there's so much guessing and so much unknowns, more than we usually have. So to make a putt like that is incredible.

Q. How did you enjoy the group? Looks like everyone is quite happy. I saw a sigh of relief on the screen.

ANGEL YIN: It was a great group. Like I said, I got lucky again with this grouping because it's not like there's people that you don't want to play with, but this is just one of the top groups to be in, and they're such incredible golfers, good sportsmanship, and everything is -- just everything you want to have in a group, especially playing conditions that are so tough. It's actually such a long round, too. I think we're out there for like 12 plus hours if you add the two days together. It's great.

Q. And tomorrow, anything you're going to be trying to do?

ANGEL YIN: Try to go low and try to play.

Q. What's been your relationship with links golf?

ANGEL YIN: Not much. I grew up in California. We play in perfect weather. And it's SoCal, not NorCal. I don't have much of a relationship with it other than the times I've just come over. This is, what, my ninth year as a pro, ninth season as a pro, so I've learned quite a bit of it and just gathered whatever I have and trying to use it now.

Q. (No microphone.)

ANGEL YIN: I am going through a caddie change. Can you tell? It's a different face every week, right? Just kind of hoeing around.

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