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August 23, 2024

Stacy Lewis

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. Will you be sticking around this weekend?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, I was staying until Monday regardless. We'll be informing players on Sunday night as soon as results are final. As quick as we can make decisions we'll be informing people, and then they have to keep it quiet until Tuesday.

Q. Just on the last chance to impress the next couple days, can you talk about that?

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, it's not final until it's final. There's points to be had. With the points structure there's plenty of moves that can be made. For all of them, there's still a lot to play for this weekend, and mathematically I can tell you there's a lot of players that are still in the mix.

Q. Is there anything specifically you're looking for this weekend from your players?

STACY LEWIS: No, just watching form, just seeing how they're playing. Obviously we've got quite a few up there inside the top 10, top 15, which is just great to see form-wise, how they're playing heading into Solheim. Just form more than anything.

Q. You have some tough decisions the next couple days.

STACY LEWIS: Yeah, hopefully it plays itself out. That's the goal is that it plays itself out and there's not many decisions to be made.

Q. Can you describe the scene just now with Catriona and what that was like for you?

STACY LEWIS: That was really cool. I had played Lorena's last round with her in Mexico and that was pretty cool, and this is up there with it. To watch Beany do that into 18 and make birdie there, we thought she holed it from back in the fairway. It was just a really cool scene, and well deserved.

Q. When you walked over the bridge, what were you thinking?

STACY LEWIS: Just knowing her, she's very shy and reserved and probably didn't want the spotlight, but Webby and I hung back there and the media was calling her back for another wave. She was not in her comfort zone, let's say, up there, but I'm glad she took in the moment.

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