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August 22, 2024

Ruoning Yin

St Andrews, Fife, Scotland, UK

Mixed Zone

Q. What did you find?

RUONING YIN: Conditions really tough today but kind of same for everyone. I just try to enjoy it and have fun. Just try it make the wind my friend.

Q. How did you manage to do that?

RUONING YIN: Honestly I don't have that much experience for playing links golf, and honestly, I had to calculate the wind when I putt, which is first time. I really enjoyed it honestly, yeah.

Q. Toughest conditions you've ever played?

RUONING YIN: I think so. Luckily today, it didn't rain. So yeah.

Q. What was the secret of your success today given how bad the conditions were?

RUONING YIN: Today I would say my attitude. I had a really good attitude out there. I just tried to enjoy it and I really enjoyed it, and I had a lot of fun there.

Q. How did you manage to have fun in conditions like that?

RUONING YIN: Well, I think the attitude, like I said, I think the attitude is the key for this week because if you have bad attitude, obviously the result is not going to go well. So might as well just have a good attitude and then just have fun with my caddie out there.

Q. Can you believe you were 6-under in those conditions?

RUONING YIN: I don't but I was 6-under.

Q. What was your best birdie of the day?

RUONING YIN: I would say definitely 17. I was on the left rough and then the pin was just over probably 15 yards over the hill. I hit a really smart shot there. Just tried to hit a lower 7-iron and land it in front of the green and let it roll. It was perfect. My favourite birdie of the year, five feet.

Q. I like your philosophy, many golfers will say the wind is their enemy but you treat it as your friend.

RUONING YIN: The wind is really strong today. You can't really fight it. If the wind is like, maybe five miles, you can fight the wind but it's like 30 right now. I think playing with the wind is the smart play here.

Q. And you take a happy memory away, your first day The Open?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, a amazing. I play this course in individual game a lot. It's quite different playing in person. I enjoy it.

I think I hit it pretty good. I use Tiger.

Q. Can you talk about 8 where you made the bogey on the nine?

RUONING YIN: We waited for a while over there. We waited probably ten minutes, and my body is kind of a little stiff when I hit a tee shot and I hit it thin and took a huge bounce just back off the green and couldn't make up-and-down there. Just a general bogey.

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