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August 17, 2024

Brendan Steele

White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, USA

The Old White

HyFlyers GC

Quick Quotes

Q. I don't know if you're aware, but you had today the longest holed shot in LIV Golf history. What did you hit, and do you know the distance on that?

BRENDAN STEELE: We lasered it at 285, and I hit a 4-wood. Will we were trying to be aggressive, get it up there and have a chance for a 3. It flew like all the way back to the hole and landed really soft and just kind of trickled in, I guess. Really cool. Obviously wasn't expecting that.

Q. Did you know when it went in? Could you tell?

BRENDAN STEELE: No, the fan reaction. I couldn't see it, but just -- the fans react a certain way when the ball goes in the hole, versus just like a good shot.

Q. What kind of shots -- obviously it doesn't happen every day. What kind of thing does that do to your round?

BRENDAN STEELE: Yeah, gave me a big boost. I made a 2 on 18 right after it, so really good, like, 10 minutes there. Then now the guys are giving me a hard time for only shooting 4-under. They're like, you did that and only shot 4-under? No, it was good. Obviously it helps the score tremendously and gives you some momentum for the rest of the day.

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