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August 18, 2024

Gabriela Ruffels

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Gabi Ruffels after her final round here at the ISPS Handa Women's Scottish Open. 7-under over the week. What went into the week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it was tough. It was actually my second time playing links golf, first time was an amateur at Royal Troon, British Open, 2020. I knew I wanted to play this in prep for British Open next week.

And I was talking to Patrick just on 18 here, my caddie, and we just kind of gradually got better as the days went on, as the week went on. Overall, good week and happy with it and good prep for next week.

Q. What did you learn about your links golf game as you've gone throughout the week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, play the wind. The wind is your friend. Use it. But kind of just have fun with it. I feel like it's more artistic out here and I feel like I really like that kind of golf. And yeah, you kind of just really have to pick your targets and just go with the wind and be really mentally patient out there because it's tough.

Q. And you mentioned it, AIG Women's Open next week, on one of the most historic golf courses in the world. How excited are you to play there as a rookie and especially after the week you had this week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, super excited. It was announced a couple years ago that it was going to be at St Andrews and I would have loved to play that and to be able to play that this year is really cool. I have both my parents here. That's how special it is. I feel like a lot of people have brought their families out here because it's so special to be out there. I'll play a practise round tomorrow and definitely get a picture on 18.

Q. And then just last one. Obviously last major next week. Freshman year dwindling down here on the LPGA. What have you maybe learned about yourself as you've gone week-after-week-after-week?

GABRIELA RUFFELS: Yeah, it's definitely been week-after-week-after-week. It's been kind of crazy, a hectic schedule. And it's just kind of learning how to, I guess, manage that. That's kind of a big thing that I was talking about with my team.

Taking three weeks off coming up and prioritising a little bit more rest for the end of the season. Overall a great start and yeah, I mean just kind of working on things with I my coach and learning things about myself and yeah, it's been a good year.

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