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August 18, 2024

Megan Khang

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Final round at the ISPS Handa Women's Scottish Open. Not the finish you were looking for but a great week. What do you take away from this week?

MEGAN KHANG: Just happy with how I'm hitting it. Today the putts just didn't drop but it was fun watching Lauren and Esther make some putts that I wish I was making myself.

Overall, taking the positives and knowing that I can trust the wind to do what it's meant to be doing, and just to be able to kind of play some good golf over here on the links, it's a nice confidence boost.

Q. Speaking of confidence, obviously heading into St Andrews next week, final major of the year, how much does confidence does that give you, knowing you can compete out here on links golf going into next week?

MEGAN KHANG: It's a huge confidence boost. I haven't been playing the best in the majors this year to be completely honest, especially in comparison to last year. Overall, coming over and playing the Women's Scottish Open is definitely great prep for the British, and you know just going to try to learn the golf course as quick as possible next week and take what I learned here on to next week.

Q. And then obviously -- last one. Just Solheim Cup coming up on the horizon as well. How much are you looking forward to these next couple weeks between that and Solheim and then going back home to Boston, as well?

MEGAN KHANG: It's a big, fun stretch for me coming up personally. St Andrews is historic, and then, you know, having an event back in Boston is huge.

So I was talking about Solheim with Lauren, and she's going to be a force to be reckoned with. I'm very happy to have her on our team.

You know, just kind of take it one week at time a time because I know majors can get the best of you, and obviously want to play well in front of my home crowd. Thankfully a week off to reset for another home soil event.

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