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August 18, 2024

Jason Caron

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Canyon Meadows G&CC

Quick Quotes

Q. Obviously have to feel good about this week. I know you're just still getting your feet wet out here are on the Champions. Had one Top 5.


Q. What felt good this week?

JASON CARON: You know, I played on Tuesday and the golf course kind of suited my eye a little bit on what to hit off tees and shots into the greens.

I've been playing pretty good this year even in our section, the Met section. Just felt good about the speed of the greens, and next thing you know, I played good the first day, second day, and today you never know what happens the last day.

I played really solid again today.

Q. What about your game did you specifically feel most comfortable and confident with this week?

JASON CARON: You know, I've been wedging the ball really well. When I wedge it well the rest of my game kind of shows up a little better.

I did find something on the putting green with my putter. I do a hockey-style grip and choked up my hand a little bit and kind of swings the club a little bit easier, and really putted the ball solid all week.

Q. And so what's next for you? Still up in the air?

JASON CARON: Yeah, I mean, a top 10 I guess gets me in next week.

Q. Good. I'll see you there.

JASON CARON: Yeah, hopefully I'll be there.

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