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August 17, 2024

Minjee Lee

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough day out there. Can you just talk me through your mindset about your round and just how you feel you played?

MINJEE LEE: Kind of up-and-down. You know, I didn't -- I just weren't as sharp on the back nine. I mean, I started pretty good. You know, I made two birdies in the first three holes, so I think I just didn't carry on the momentum. A couple of the putts just missed the holes, and it was pretty close to going in.

So I think with links golf, sometimes it is what it is and sometimes you just have to take it on the chin.

So I was just telling myself just then, overall, it didn't feel too bad but I think the score kind of didn't really reflect how I felt -- how I feel. So yeah, hopefully tomorrow I can get a bit more momentum going and make a couple more birdies during like the middle section.

Q. You know, going into tomorrow, only four shots off the lead and a lot can happen, links golf is very changeable. What are you going to do to prepare?

MINJEE LEE: I think I'm just going to try and get some good vibes with the putter. Go out and have a little practise, and then, you know, just have a good sleep and do all of the things that I can do to best prepare myself for tomorrow.

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