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August 17, 2024

Megan Khang

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Very well-played once again out there, no cheap pins but a lot of good golf especially towards the end, you really started to get going.

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, the front nine was kind of just stay patient out there, and playing with Charley and Minjee is always a good time. Just had to stay within myself to give myself a few good chances on the front, didn't get lucky enough for them to drop. But had good par saves to keep me in it, and on the back nine, made some putts in my favour.

Q. You've got to stay patient out there, especially on courses like this. You know the birdie chances will come but you know there's always danger out there.

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's so hard to say this is one of the nicer days is by far the best thing of the week. At least with my wave. So it was a little bit different today. Obviously the wind was still a big factor. But it was just nice to be out there, and out there, I was joking with Charley and Minjee, they were in the opposite wave, I was like, "Oh, this is nice today." They just looked at me kind of funny. Overall still having fun out there.

Q. One day to go but it's a great looking leaderboard. So many players in it. It's very tight at the top. The course can do anything as we say. I guess for you it's all about just focusing on yourself and not panicking, I guess.

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, definitely. Same thing as today was. Just stay patient out there. Putts will drop and just make the most of it, but just give myself the opportunities to hole birdies and when I have to, get some up-and-downs when need be. It's going to be what makes or breaks this tournament.

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