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August 16, 2024

Denny McCarthy

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

TPC Southwind

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you characterize that round today?

DENNY McCARTHY: Really good. It was a really good round. I did everything pretty well. I putted well. I hit a lot of good iron shots. Bounced back nicely after a couple of the bogeys I had. Yeah, everything felt really solid today.

Q. We talked a little yesterday about the hip issue you've been dealing with. How did that feel today, and what's the biggest hindrance in your swing that might cause --

DENNY McCARTHY: It's just coming through on the downswing a little bit. It's just hard to maybe get a little more rotation, push up through the ground than I would like. It's been okay. The heat really helps it. It really loosens it up. But I've had to spend a lot of time post-round, pre-round getting it loose, getting it ready to go to play a full round.

It feels really good. I haven't been thinking about it too much, which is nice. Just kind of been focused on -- sounds cliche, I've just been focused on each shot really, trying to put the same amount of importance and focus into each shot.

Q. Your labrum, could you take us through what the issue is? Is it torn completely? Do you have bone on bone?

DENNY McCARTHY: Yeah, I don't want to divulge too much. It's bothering me, and I've been able to do enough the last few days to push through it. Like I said, the heat helps it. Yeah, looking forward to a challenge on the weekend.

Q. Is it more a power issue, and does it make you rely on your awesome putting game even more?

DENNY McCARTHY: No, my ball-striking has been pretty good. I've driven it well, and I've hit my irons really well, too.

My putting has actually been struggling the last month or so. It's felt nice. I've got back into some competition, some games on the putting green this week and kind of got me back into a little bit more locked in on the greens, not trying to be too perfect but just picking my spots and hitting it. It's felt nice on the greens. Ball-striking has felt nice, too. Like I said, the heat helps whatever I have going on.

Q. You rolled in a few long ones today and also bounced back with a couple after some bogeys. How much does seeing one long one go in?

DENNY McCARTHY: Yeah, it helps. Listen, I've missed a couple of short ones, too. I think these greens are really tricky in close. They're really subtle with the grain, hard to find the slope. I don't do AimPoint a ton, but I've tossed my feet in there a little bit just to try and feel something just because they're really tricky and subtle. I hit two great shots, going back to 16 yesterday, a five-footer for eagle that I totally misread, and then again on No. 3 today, demanding shot, I hit it in there eight feet right underneath the hole and misread it again. So I've missed a couple ones I'd like to have back, but they probably all even out with some of the longer ones I make.

I'm just trying to put, like I said, the same amount of intention and focus on each putt, whether it's short or long, trying to make it but not trying to ram it eight feet by. Just really trying to lock in, pick my spots, and hit as good of putts as I can.

Q. You can't rest this time of year obviously because of what's at stake. Is that the fix is a rest, or would you have to do something surgically?

DENNY McCARTHY: I don't know yet. I'm not looking that far ahead. I'm kind of just focused on trying to get better each day this week, and that's all I'm really focused on.

Q. After a 67 and a 63 to start your week, what's going to be the key to carrying that momentum and great play into the weekend?

DENNY McCARTHY: I think just having the same mindset I've had the last two days. I've been getting a little too caught up and worried and anxious about some of the results instead of -- the results of each shot instead of just focusing on the process, kind of what I need to do in my swing, committing to a target and hitting the shot and not caring so much about where it goes because if I do those things right in my process, it usually goes in a good direction.

I think I was maybe just holding on a little too tight, caring a little too much. So I've tried to just get it go a little bit more.

Q. Over the last few years you've put yourself in this position a lot more. Is there something you've learned over time to help you in these situations as you get into this weekend?

DENNY McCARTHY: Yeah, I think I'm just -- this is my seventh year out here. I know all these courses really well, so I feel really comfortable on them. I know where to hit it. I know where not to hit it. I know how certain putts break. I know how putts might not break. So I feel really comfortable with a lot of the golf courses we play.

My game has gotten a lot better tee to green. The numbers don't really show that, but I know that I've put in the work, and I feel a lot more comfortable on harder, demanding shots. That just puts me in a better frame of mind where I can hit a lot of shots that maybe I wasn't able to hit as comfortably or as consistent.

I've just got to keep doing what I'm doing. We play a really hard sport. Some of the guys out here make it look really easy, and that's frustrating at times when those guys continue to play well and I continue to maybe struggle here or there, get there every once in a while.

It's hard to win out here. It's hard to put yourself in contention. I've just got to remind myself that we play a really hard game, and it's not for a lack of trying when I don't play well. I care a lot and I'm very competitive. It's just sometimes you've just got to be patient. Sometimes the process just takes a little longer than you want.

Q. How did the sweating go today?

DENNY McCARTHY: It was fine early on. Honestly it was really nice early, and then the back nine, middle of the back nine it started getting really hot, so I'm pretty sweaty right now, but a nice little cold plunge will feel good later.

Q. You've put yourself in contention a lot but still searching for that first win. Is that something that weighs on you?

DENNY McCARTHY: I haven't really been thinking about it that much lately, honestly. I haven't really been that close lately. I'm not really thinking about it that much right now. Honestly, I've struggled over the last few months. I've really felt like I'm just trying to put the pieces back together and find my game a little bit more. I haven't really been thinking about that much. Like I said, I'm going to try and just keep getting better and just try and focus on myself and hitting the golf shots and what I can control.

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