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August 16, 2024

Sam Burns

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

TPC Southwind

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you feel like was the catalyst to that hot start today?

SAM BURNS: I don't know. I hit a wedge in there close on 2, hit a good drive on 3 and hit a really good 5-iron close. Really just was giving myself good looks. Made one from off the green on 6.

Other than that, just hit some good shots and was able to make some putts.

Q. I know you said you've been hitting the ball well the first two days. Stats show you hit it about six feet closer today. Did that help with some of those -- feeling like you're hitting your irons crisp?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, this place if you're in the fairway, you can be pretty aggressive coming into the greens. I think I was able to give myself a lot of good looks, and when you get in the rough out here, it's just tricky to get the ball close, much less hit the greens.

I think kind of off the tee kind of sets you up around this place.

Q. Did today feel a lot like the Playoffs, just the atmosphere?

SAM BURNS: A little bit. I think with the temperatures being this hot, you're not getting a ton of fans out walking around. Most people are kind of sitting in the structures, which I would be doing, too, if I was them.

But yeah, I think amongst the players, there definitely is a different feel, just knowing how important this week and the next week is, especially for the TOUR Championship.

Yeah, I would say for sure.

Q. With 14, I know it wasn't filled up today, but they added something over there with the bluff. Supposed to be a crazy raucous atmosphere this weekend. Could you tell if it'll be that way?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, for sure. I think it's a great hole. It's a really tough hole. I'm looking forward to playing it this weekend.

Q. Have you been satisfied with your year so far?

SAM BURNS: It's been okay. I've had some ups and downs. I haven't really been as consistent as I would have liked to have been. But this is a good time to play well. Hopefully we can finish it off.

Q. Do you feel like over the last month, the game is going in a direction that you want --

SAM BURNS: Yeah, absolutely. For sure.

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