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August 16, 2024

Minjee Lee

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Well-played, 3-under, currently in the lead, obviously still got the afternoon to finish up but how do you rate it so far.

MINJEE LEE: I feel like I playing really solid. It was really windy out there, even more so than yesterday afternoon.

Yeah, I feel like I just put myself in good positions when I made my birdies, and you know, try to make the least amount of bogeys as possible. So yeah, I think I'm doing pretty good out there.

Q. You certainly are. It was a very long day for you yesterday, and relatively short turnaround. How are you feeling generally?

MINJEE LEE: I actually felt pleasantly surprised that we didn't tee off that early. So yeah, I feel not as groggy as I would if it was two hours earlier but no, I feel pretty good at the moment.

Q. These are the conditions you wanted ahead of next week, a bit of rain, a bit of wind and sun? It's great preparation, isn't, it to get your game in shape?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I really enjoy coming back to Scotland playing the Scottish and also the British whenever I can. I just love links courses.

Obviously the last few years, we probably haven't had as much wind as The Scottish Open. But yeah, I feel like playing true links-style course and conditions, so it's a lot more fun.

Q. Do you feel this tournament owes you one a little bit? Because a few years back in Gullane, you came very close to picking up a win, very close indeed. You're in a good position here once again. Is that on your mind at all that you want to get that off your back and pick up a victory here?

MINJEE LEE: Not really. Obviously I would love to win and that is what we strive for as players. But you know, I'm just going to do what I can control, and obviously I can't control what other people are doing. I'll just try my very best, and if that happens to be a win, that's great.

But if it doesn't, it's also part of my process, too. I'm just going to try and go out there and have as much fun as I can.

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