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August 15, 2024

Sam Burns

Memphis, Tennessee, USA

TPC Southwind

Quick Quotes

Q. How would you assess your round today?

SAM BURNS: Made one poor swing really on the par-3 and then just kind of misjudged a lie just in the rough on the next hole. That's really it. Overall I played pretty solid. It was nice to finish with a birdie there on 18. It's just a golf course that if you're just a little bit off, it's pretty difficult.

Overall solid round.

Q. You're from Louisiana, you're used to the heat. But what's the most challenging thing playing in this type of heat?

SAM BURNS: I mean, I feel like nothing really for me other than just trying to keep everything dry, making sure your hands are dry before you hit. But it's been like this at home for as long as I can remember the last few weeks. Pretty used to it at this point. I don't walk at home, though, so that's a little different.

Q. Is the heat taxing on you? Does it affect you at all?

SAM BURNS: I think it can. I think you have to try to make sure that you're not really -- I think if you think about the heat a lot and you talk about how hot it is, then you kind of start believing that. I think it's one of those things where you just focus on playing golf, and the heat is just kind of part of it.

Q. How are you feeling about LSU and do you think the new guys are ready for the SEC?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think we're going to win them all. We're not going to lose this year. I think they'll hold their own. Obviously very historic programs that have been great for a long time. I hope they don't come in and start beating us, but I think it's a good addition for the SEC.

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