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August 15, 2024

Minjee Lee

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Really well-played today, bogey-free, can you talk us through your round, your thoughts, your feelings on the course and yeah, how you're going to prepare for tomorrow?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, I feel like I played pretty solid today. No bogeys today. So always a happy girl after a bogey-free round. So yeah, I feel like I played smart golf, I'd say. I gave myself a lot of opportunities for birdie, but you know some putts went in, some putts didn't.

You know, yeah, I feel like when I was in trouble, I kind of missed it in the right spots and could get up-and-down, so that was good.

I think I kind of got a little lucky with not playing in the morning with the rain but it was pretty windy out there. So I guess we just didn't have the rain. But yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed my day out there today.

Q. Can you talk about how you kept your momentum going through the round and obviously the delays and is there anything about links golf that you think your game suits?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I just -- I like the creativity of links golf. You know, obviously there was a lot of wind today so it was playing like a true links kind of golf course. Sometimes we don't get as much wind but today was blowing a gale and I feel like just picturing the shots and just having to execute those shots, I think is I didn't find it fun to play. Just when you execute it correctly, you get rewarded. So I like that aspect of playing in the wind and obviously there's a lot of things like if you're off the green, you can putt or chip or you can hit a hybrid. There's so many options. I also think that's kind of fun as well.

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