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August 15, 2024

Megan Khang

Ayrshire, Scotland, UK

Dundonald Links

Quick Quotes

Q. Very well-played out there. 4-under par, currently tied for the lead in this tournament. It's been a long morning and a long early afternoon but all worth it. Tell me about your day?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, it was definitely tough out there. Kind of eating breakfast this morning and looking out, looking at the weather, kind of wasn't the most thrilled but fortunately for me I actually didn't get a chance to warm up before they called the first hour delay. And so I just kind of stayed inside. Stayed dry as long as I could.

Then when it was time to go out, everyone was playing in the same conditions, and just had to embrace Mother Nature. I was very fortunate to get a few lucky bounces and also chip-in today.

Q. I talked to Lydia Ko earlier and she said it got so extreme, it actually was quite fun. Was that something you thought as well?

MEGAN KHANG: You know, I think that's how you have to look at the course and the conditions. It's just how creative you can be out there on the golf course. Links-style golf, there is definitely a lot more imagination going on and especially with the wind kind of going sideways. It definitely can be fun. A little stressful sometimes but for the most part, I'm trying to make the most of it and trying to enjoy my walk out there.

Q. As you say it does show creativity. Let's talk about your chip-in. What a lovely shot that was. You probably weren't quite on the mark, but doesn't matter when you chip-in like that, does it?

MEGAN KHANG: No, it's a nice little cherry on top. I walked up to my ball after the poor second shot and my heels were kind of in a little standing water and I joking, like I don't really care where my feet are. I hit a lovely chip and very lucky to have got it to drop.

Q. Just a couple additional ones. You did not warm up this morning, so were you just upstairs keeping warm?

MEGAN KHANG: Yeah, funny enough, I was marking my golf ball in the locker room, and I was just about to finish and walk out, and then Pauline came in and was like, hour delay. I was like, looks like I don't even have to go out yet.

I was running a little behind, and everything works out. So thankfully I didn't have to get wet and come back in. Obviously we had to do that with the mid round delay but that's going to happen. But I'm very happy we were able to finish the round and kind of gets me done for the day.

Q. And what was it like obviously staying patient, knowing the conditions were going to be tough, but just grinding through it?

MEGAN KHANG: That's just kind of what you have to do. The weather is the same for everyone in our wave, and you know, you can look at it as like we didn't really have the best wave, but at the end of the day, that's golf. We play an outdoor sport. So you have to change your mindset and go, if that's how it's going to be, let's embrace the challenge itself.

Q. You had birdies on both sides of the golf course. Any particular nine you prefer?

MEGAN KHANG: This golf course is a ton of fun. Again, you know, my front nine being the back nine was kind of more bite to the course. But I hit some really good shots coming in and I did get very lucky on the par 3, 14. I kind of thought I hit it a little too far but it caught the slope and it rolled back and I was able to capitalise on that.

But really just happy with like how I'm hitting the ball and giving myself opportunities. Obviously I feel like I still left some out there. Kind of hurts starting off both nines with bogey but at the end of the day bogeys are going to happen. Just going to have to kind of minimise them. Happy with how I played today.

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