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August 11, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Came up just short, Asterisk. What are the takeaways today playing in your first Women's Am and making it to the finals?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, especially just to be my first Women's Am and being able to make it this far was really cool. I feel like I can take a lot from this week just knowing that. And I'm still young. I have some time left. And that I can -- even this early in my career, that I can play as well as I did.

And just playing against someone like Rianne and getting so far is just amazing. I feel like I can just take away some good parts and some bad parts and work on what I have to work on.

Q. You got it back to tied. Great birdie on 9 and 10; tied it on 11 I think. What happened after that? Did you just run out of -- did fatigue catch up?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, I feel like she just -- she hit some good shots. I missed a short putt on 12. I just hit it too hard. Maybe just misread it a little bit.

And then she got on in two on 13. I couldn't really help she made a birdie there. I missed another makable one on that hole.

I feel like that's what kind of switched her momentum, seeing me miss a short putt and her just having an easy birdie.

You know, I gave her the birdie. She was so close. I feel like just she made a huge putt on 14 and then she was 2-up with four left. I feel like the momentum just totally switched in her favor. I mean, that's what happened.

Q. You played six matches in the juniors, six matches in the Women's Am after stroke play. How much of a grind is this week?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, it's tough just knowing that the course can change. Today I had some unlucky shots with how the balls were so receptive.

On 1 I hit it to like two feet from the pin and it just rolled off the green. I mean, I can't really do anything about that.

And 3 I went in the hazard and then I hit it like one foot from the hole and it still ended up like 40 feet away. That was tough on my part, seeing how I could hit such good shots and didn't even get me within a makable range.

But I mean, just knowing that the course can change totally from the beginning of the week to the end. It's tough just being out here for seven days, just having to keep grinding it out.

Q. Kind of like yesterday, you win the first hole and then she has a big momentum swing. Then you came back strong with those birdies at 9 and 10.


Q. Then 11 you tied the match up, right? 12 you had that -- what did that putt do on 12, that short birdie putt you had?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, it broke right to left and I missed it high side.

I just feel like I just hit it a little too hard. If I would've hit it softer it would've went in. It was like three feet by.

So I mean, really nothing I could do there.

Q. After winning three holes out of four and tying the match, you had to feel like the momentum is in your favor and all of a sudden she birdies four holes in a row.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I mean, it was crazy seeing her birdieing four holes in a row. I mean, I was just trying to make birdies to tie the holes and hopefully I could win a couple on the last.

But, I mean, there was really nothing I could do. I birdied 16 and still tied the hole. I mean, there was really nothing I could do. She just played so well. I just didn't match it.

Q. You excited to tee it up next year at Erin Hills?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, super excited, but I'm just excited to get to play in another U.S. Open. It's such a great experience playing with the pros, and especially with my (indiscernible) the way I am this year, even though I was like T45, I feel like I can do better. Hopefully improve my game a bit for Erin Hills.

I know it's going to be tough at the U.S. Open and I feel like it's a good test of game.

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