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August 10, 2024

Rose Zhang

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. Not what you looked for but was it cool being around Lydia as she's settling in there?

ROSE ZHANG: It was super cool. I mean, she's made history, and it was really just inspiring to watch her throughout the round. For myself, I think there's just a lot more improvement, a lot more experience that I need to really just push forward and continue grinding. But overall, I'm just so happy for her.

Q. What did you guys talk about coming up on 18?

ROSE ZHANG: Lydia has always been a kind of mentor to me. Even when we were back in the Bay Area, even when I just turned pro, she was always one to approach me first and make me feel comfortable on tour.

So for her to just say a simple good shot, and she was talking about how she, you know, didn't -- she couldn't go for it the last three days. But at the end of the day, the result was fine.

That was just a really cool moment.

Q. On 18, I'm sure your aware, I'm pretty sure your second shot, if you would have holed it, that would have tied for the bronze. Pretty darned good effort.

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, I tried my best. I knew I had to make a putt on 17 and then eagle on 18 to give myself an opportunity.

The golf ball doesn't really want to go home, so you can't really say too much.

Q. Were you thinking about medals? You got off to a slow start and 9-bit you a little bit. Were you just trying to be fairly aggressive there?

ROSE ZHANG: Just the front nine, nothing was going my way. I was probably an inch or two off just flipping out and also just not having the greatest lies from the rough. Obviously you can't expect too much out of the rough. But I was just that half-inch or a foot away from just being in good territory.

It was kind of unfortunate. I made some pretty big mistakes. So I think can't really say too much about that.

Q. So after 9, to make double, are you still thinking, you've got a chance to get a bronze?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, a hundred per cent. You can't lose faith. I think you always have to have some sort of strength in you to really push forward and finish. Felt like I tried my best on the back nine and made some birdies and gave myself opportunities. But at the end of the day, you know, it just was just slightly off and can't really do much there.

Q. Interacting with the fans, enjoying everything, was this a little different?

ROSE ZHANG: For Lydia, you mean? Lydia has always been like that. She's always such a people important. I feel like maybe today she enjoyed it a lot more. She really just took it owl in and she hit some incredible shots just throughout the day. So kudos to her.

Q. What do you take away from your first Olympic experience? Obviously there in contention, teeing off today, and you know, just overall, what did you learn, what did you take away?

ROSE ZHANG: Takes a lot of resilience to get the job done or to even be in contention. Really proud of how hard I fought, and I think there's just a lot more coming and pretty excited for what I can work on and what I can improve on.

Q. Will you walk in the Closing Ceremonies with the U.S. athletes tomorrow night?

ROSE ZHANG: Yes, I will. So I will be at Closing Ceremonies. I don't want to miss it, so I will be there.

Q. Anyone in particular you're looking forward to meeting?

ROSE ZHANG: I would be obsessed with meeting anyone. I'm not sure if some of the athletes are going. But one person I do want to meet in particular is Sydney McLaughlin. So hopefully her. But if she's not there, maybe some other opportunities.

Q. You weren't able to get over for the Opening Ceremony?

ROSE ZHANG: No, I was playing in Canada.

Q. Had you been to the Village yet?

ROSE ZHANG: No, I haven't. So either tomorrow -- probably tomorrow I'll head over and eat a chocolate muffin, who knows.

Q. You know Katie Ledecky is carrying the flag?

ROSE ZHANG: That's so incredible. It's just so cool to see so many Stanford alums play and compete here, or even just Stanford people. We have the most out of any school, and you know, I was telling Ollie during the round, it's so cool to just have something in common with 60 other Olympians. But yeah, I'm excited to meet some of them. I have a couple friends who are also going. So it will be fun.

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