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August 10, 2024

Kendall Todd

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So I know obviously didn't end the way you wanted it to, but what are the takeaways from the week? And when you look back on this week, I know it's pretty raw still, what are you going to think about when you look back on it?

KENDALL TODD: Just how much I can accomplish if I just put my mind to it, how far I can really go if I want to.

Q. How important was it to have all the Arkansas people come out and support you?

KENDALL TODD: It was great.

Q. And have this moment here with them now, it's pretty fun, right?

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, very fun.

Q. Going into your senior year here, what are you going to take away and what does this do for your confidence level going forward knowing you've got your last year of college ahead of you now?

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, feels really good. Game has been really good so confidence is high going into the season. Really looking forward to it.

Q. How much are you looking forward to 2025 knowing you got the exemption into next year's Women's Am?

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, that feels really nice. I'm excited. It was a good week and I'm excited.

Q. Been to Bandon before?

KENDALL TODD: Uh-uh, haven't.

Q. Looking forward to it now?


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