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August 10, 2024

Minjee Lee

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. Third Olympics in the books. What are your sort of thoughts and emotions as you walk off?

MINJEE LEE: A little bit disappointed but I didn't really have my game pretty much all week. So you know, try to post a score but made too many bogeys. Just kind of went birdie, bogey, birdie, bogey, but two eagles today; so hopefully gearing up for the next couple of events.

But nice finish on 18.

Q. Do you feel like you've advanced? This year has been a work-in-progress so far. Do you feel this week allowed you to put it under pressure, I guess?

MINJEE LEE: A little bit in that sense but I think I've still been working on a few things. Obviously Ritchie was here and Mackey (ph) was here as well. So we were kind of checking a lot of things, as well.

Yeah, just a few things that I had to work on and will continue to work on to hopefully get everything in check before obviously British Open is coming up. So yeah, this was a lovely venue to have played my third Olympics, and I really enjoyed my week this week.

Q. What about the prospect of Hannah getting a medal? What do you think that would mean for golf in Australia?

MINJEE LEE: That would be so awesome. I'm going to go and watch her last couple holes. Yeah, I just think obviously if hand in a medals, it's going to really -- I would say lift everybody who is tuning in right now to see her finish. Just inspire little kids and people to play golf, and that's what we're always continue to go try to do.

So yeah, I just think it will be huge.

Q. Have you felt extra levels of support in a week like this when the whole country is paying attention? Have you received messages or any kind of extra --

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I think I always constantly receive messages of support wherever I am but I think the Olympics is like just extra special. Like everybody is, like I said, tuning in and watching us from all over the world. It's just a real celebration of the sport and that's what the Olympics are.

So I think I have felt very, very -- very, very special week, like the fans have been amazing, and you know, even within the French, there's a lot of Aussies who are out there. They were saying, "Go Minjee" or you know, "Come on, Aussie!" So I felt very special this week.

Q. And finally, are we going to see -- can you think four years ahead, do you want to be part of L.A. in 2028?

MINJEE LEE: Yes, I would like to be. I think that would be a big goal of mine to be there but I will be four years older. So we'll see where we are but I think I still have -- I feel like I still have a lot to show for an Olympics. So yeah, hopefully I'm there.

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