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August 9, 2024

Kendall Todd

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. How you feeling after that win and you're on to the semis?

KENDALL TODD: Crazy feeling. Very, very proud of myself. It is really fun. It was a good match.

Q. Yeah, this is your first Women's Am. Have you tried to qualify previous years?

KENDALL TODD: I have, yeah. I have never made it. But this is my first one. It's been fun so far.

Q. Yeah, what does it mean to you to be doing this well?

KENDALL TODD: It's awesome. Couldn't have a better experience.

Q. Uh-huh. I know Arizona is home, but playing college about two hours away, do you find any similarities between this course and Blessings?

KENDALL TODD: Oh, yeah, it demands your -- everything you have on every shot. Doesn't let up. The grass is very similar I think, but always perfect lies. Like it can beat you up if you get in the wrong place, so...

Q. I remember you mentioned yesterday, too, you had won your last tournament coming in here and had kind of been playing well. Coming into this week did you expect to say, Kendall Todd, U.S. Women's Amateur semifinalist, though?

KENDALL TODD: I really wanted to, but I just -- yeah, no, obviously didn't expect it, but it's really good to hear.

Q. Were you aware of what Maria was doing? Were you you feeding on each other a little bit?

KENDALL TODD: I saw she was still going; had to follow her.

Q. How does it feel that your teammate is in the semis with you and even just the other four that were here that played well also, just the showing of Arkansas here?

KENDALL TODD: We have a great team. We have a great chemistry. I love Ma-Jo, and super fun to have her out here and play around her, yeah.

Q. Did you look at your phone? Did you have a lot of the texts?

KENDALL TODD: I haven't checked much yet.

Q. Your coach mentioned it a little bit, but some of your teammates may be coming tomorrow. Have you heard of...

KENDALL TODD: I haven't heard anything yet, but I could imagine. It would be great.

Q. Nice. I know this gets you now into the next two U.S. Women's Amateurs next year at Bandon and The Honors Course. Have you played either of those before?

KENDALL TODD: Uh-uh, I haven't.

Q. If you win tomorrow, you get into the U.S. Open next year obviously. What would that do for your game?

KENDALL TODD: That would just mean so much to me. I'm trying to get to the next level, and that would definitely take me there.

Q. Just with how quickly this week has gone and everything, is it still kind of like settling in, like that you're in this position and you're just -- how hard is it to actually take it day by day?

KENDALL TODD: It's hard. Definitely have to debrief after every round and go over everything to make it feel real after the round. We talk about it all night until it settles in and we can come back the next day and do it again.

Q. Who has been on the bag for you this week?

KENDALL TODD: My boyfriend Hayden.

Q. I'm guessing that's a pretty good partnership.

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, it was.

Q. When you were 2-down early did you have to reset?

KENDALL TODD: We had a little chat about attitude and staying positive and taking it one shot at time and not getting ahead of myself and there is still a lot of golf to go. We did good on the back nine.

Q. How did No. 11 go? I didn't see.

KENDALL TODD: The first time or second time.

Q. Second time.

KENDALL TODD: Second time I hit it on the green and two-putted.

Q. She bogeyed?


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