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August 9, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So that was a heck of a battle with reigning NCAA champion. How you feeling after that win?

ASTERISK TALLEY: You know, it was tough out there. I got 3-up going into 11 I think, and then I feel like she just like kind of switched the momentum after making a long par putt on 11.

I feel like after that I was trying to keep the momentum on my side, keep trying to make birdies and pars, and it just wasn't really working out. Toward the end I was trying to keep the match in my side, and I didn't want it to get tied because then it would've been in her favor sort of.

And then just all the way to 18 and then just try and par, get the match done.

Q. How much confidence do you have with your putter right now? Those putts on 5 and 6 I know were with pretty lengthy.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, it's hard for me to realize I can make 60-footers more than I can make 8-footers. It's kind of tough, but I feel like when I have a long pout I just try and lag it up there, and if I can make it I can make it.

You just try and make as many putts as you can and they're not all going to fall, and you kind of have to realize that. If you think you're going to make every putt you're just going to get disappointed in yourself because you're not.

Q. Do you think you did a good job? We talked yesterday about you trying to stay patient and not going after flags. Do you think you did a good job of staying patient, keep playing your game when she was making the push?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I feel like I was, especially on hole 3 I think it was. I went in the hazard up and I ended up making par to tie the hole. That was kind of like a booster for me not to be 2-down through 3.

And then sort of on the back nine when she was making the long putts that I wasn't making too many mistakes after that and I was just trying to say patient with my pars and just push it to the end.

Q. I know you said you didn't want to play the 18th hole if you didn't have to. Got to be pretty happy with your lag putt there to end of the match.

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I mean, just going into 18 today you think like par is going to win the match. I mean, no one is really going to get up to that hole location, especially when it's in the back, and make birdie.

So I mean, if you can just par you might even win the hole. I feel like getting up to especially to the top deck and ending up to be within two feet was pretty good to end the match.

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