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August 8, 2024

Ashlyn Krueger

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Press Conference

A. KRUEGER/L. Fernandez

6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Who has the first question for Ashlyn?

Q. Can you describe what it felt like to be opposing Leylah out there with the crowd showing support and everything as that was happening on the court?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I mean, that happens when you play in someone's hometown. It's a fun environment. It happens in New York with me. I just kind of turned it around and acted like everyone was cheering for me.

Q. What are you liking the most about your game this week?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: I think these courts really help my serve. I've been serving really well. I've been taking a lot of opportunities to come forward because they're faster, so it definitely helps my game.

Q. With your serve in particular what is making it so effective right now?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: I think I'm just hitting my spots well. Yeah, definitely hitting my spots, definitely just adding a little more pace.

Q. When you were able to fend off those break points and serve out that first set, what was that game like for you?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I just had to take my time, kind of step away and think about what I wanted to do before I got up to the line.

Q. I wonder if you can talk about this being your first time at the Canadian National Bank Open. How do you feel about the whole tournament and what's your focus going forward?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I'm loving it so far. I'm loving the people. I'm loving the venue and the site. Everyone's been so kind. Staying downtown has been fun, getting to see a little bit of Toronto. I just want to keep moving forward and keep focusing on the right things and the matches ahead, yeah.

Q. How would you describe your confidence level and how it's maybe progressed through this week?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I think going through quallies is always a good thing, you get more matches under your belt, you get to kind of feel the surface and the environment before everyone else in the main draw does. I knew I had that, and I knew I got to feel the balls before everyone else did that was over in Europe and playing in different places. Playing DC before, we used those balls, so I knew I had that kind of advantage and I just used it to the best of my ability.

Q. What's it like balancing singles and doubles as these matches pile up this week?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I think doubles is fun for me. It's just an opportunity to get on the court and go play and loosen up. I have a fun partner, she's also from Texas, so it's good to get on court with her, and just kind of get everything out before you play singles.

Q. What's it like to play the same opponent in singles and doubles in the same day?

ASHLYN KRUEGER: Yeah, I don't remember the last time it's happened to me, but I'm going to go out with the same mentality and enjoy it.

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