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August 9, 2024

Rose Zhang

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you hit on 18?

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, I hit a 6-iron. I hit a 6-iron from 191. It was 165 to carry the water. So it was -- I asked Ollie if this was the club just because I wanted to make sure I can get it over the water, and sure enough, gave me the ok and I went for it.

Q. Can you talk us through those last couple holes? Eagle, double, eagle.

ROSE ZHANG: So I'd say 14, 14 just hit a really good drive, especially with how narrow that fairway is, and then hit a really good 3-wood from 223. Got it on the left side and just had a 30-footer and was able to make the putt and gave me momentum into the next hole.

Hit a good tee shot on 15. Then I don't know what happened. It went straight. It just went really short. I chunked probably at least three, four inches. It feels like three, four inches behind the ball. Tried to keep myself composed and finished out the hole on 16.

Q. They are kind of similar, second shot on 15 and then you step up on 16?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, they are very similar. I was just trying to put myself on the green at that point. First goal is to put yourself in position and give yourself opportunities, and if you don't, then you go from there.

So that was all I was thinking about.

Q. What was your mindset for today? Did you have a particular goal in mind or strategy for today trying to get yourself into position?

ROSE ZHANG: Not necessarily. I think especially on this golf course, you can't put yourself too ahead of what's in front of you. Especially with how condition played today. Played pretty difficult. You really just have to make sure that you hit your fairways, you hit your greens, and if opportunity allows you, try to make some putts. But other than that, that's all you can do.

Q. Does it change at some point tomorrow when you start to look at the leaderboards because it's only so many holes remaining?

ROSE ZHANG: That's true. I don't think there needs to be a change, and I think personally, you know, what my -- what I can do and what I can control is the most important.

I'm here to just enjoy the grind and I know I'm going to have to grind tomorrow but you know, you just have to be in the moment.

Q. Fourth place any week of the year is a good week, and fourth place here is the same as 58th. It's podium or bust. Does that make you look at things differently tomorrow on the back nine?

ROSE ZHANG: I think even in our regular tournaments, even No. 1 gets the trophy and No. 2 doesn't. In a way, that's kind of similar but at the same time, you know, you can't really think about score, especially when you're out here. This golf course difficult so I'm going to need all my energy and mindset on the golf ball.

Q. Are you happy where you are after three days?

ROSE ZHANG: Yes, I am.

Q. I know you're still taking classes but a little more than a year ago, you're in school. Since then you've played a Solheim Cup, and gotten almost a whole season under your belt and now you're contending for a medal at the Olympics. When you look back at this span, are you surprised? How has this felt for you?

ROSE ZHANG: I don't think "surprised" is the right word. It's more I've been learning so much. There's been ups-and-downs and not something that everyone sees. I've realised it's such a great privilege to be out here competing and representing your country and just playing on a weekly basis. So I've been learning a lot there and learning about myself.

Surprised in terms of where I am, yes, a little bit. But at the same time, I'm just taking everything day-by-day.

Q. Is that a little bit of what you were communicating with the players trivia column, I read that this morning. It was interesting to hear that from you, like beginning of a tournament, where you were mentally. We don't often hear that much thoughts from a player.

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, definitely gave me an opportunity to just showcase who I am and who I am before a tournament, after the tournament, during it. Sometimes people only see the actual competition, but we are all people and I think we can all be voices of inspiration or just relatability to anyone.

It's basically the same. I'm still me.

Q. The outfits you've worn this week, are you ever going to wear them again after this week?

ROSE ZHANG: Probably not.

Q. Curious what you'll do with them.

ROSE ZHANG: I'll have my Team USA gear in a very special part of the closet. Maybe I'll wear them in a non-competition event or when I'm practising back home but other than that, I don't think I'll put it in play.

Q. Do you still have your Solheim Cup bag?

ROSE ZHANG: Yes, I still do. I have my Junior Solheim Cup bag, too. Back in the day.

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