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August 9, 2024

Miyu Yamashita

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

MIYU YAMASHITA: I am in a great position for the final round. I will just enjoy the round tomorrow.

Q. Will it be weird when only three people get a medal? There's only three positions that get a medal. Will that factor in to how you play?

MIYU YAMASHITA: Probably tomorrow when I start playing, I wouldn't feel that weirdness of it. Once I get going, what I'm trying to do is get the course management shot-by-shot and focus on shot-by-shot and going for the medal.

Q. What did you think of Mone Inami winning Silver last year [sic]? [Tokyo Olympics]

MIYU YAMASHITA: I was excited and also impressed by Mone Inami's performance getting Silver Medal. So here I am competing for that same medal, so I'll do my best tomorrow and then enjoy the experience.

Q. I'll ask you the same question I asked Hideki: Do you like French food, or did you bring a chef?

MIYU YAMASHITA: This week, Japan, we brought a chef from Barcelona. So I'm eating a lot of Japanese food.

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