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August 9, 2024

Minjee Lee

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. Not many under par rounds out there today. What's your appraisal of 71?

MINJEE LEE: I feel like looking at the leaderboard, there are a lot who are under par. So obviously hand in a had a good score I think. So yeah, I kind of was up-and-down today. Just kind of was pretty steady and made double on the par 3. But birdied the hole before and 18. So it was just kind of, you know, nothing too special. Just kind of plodding along.

Q. You had a couple nice par saves on 7 and 8. Do you feel you can use that for momentum?

MINJEE LEE: I think because I wasn't hitting my irons that well, I wasn't really on the greens too close to the pins that much today. I feel like I grinded it out, a lot of the holes in front and the back, I holed some nice putts. But other than that, I didn't really have too much -- anything too special going on.

Q. Do you feel like tomorrow, make a move, do 6-, 7-under and see what happens?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I'm not sure if I'll have -- let me rephrase.

Yeah, I think I need to really post a score early. I need to start well. I need to make a few birdies straight off the bat, and it's quite tough with the first and second hole with so much water and a little bit of the breeze there. And I don't know how they are going to set up the golf course, but hopefully it's setup so we can make a lot of birdies.

Yeah, looking forward to tomorrow and leaving everything out there.

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