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August 8, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You made it look easy this afternoon. What's working well right now?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like just hitting it within like 20 feet and just trying to get on the green and then just -- if a one-putt falls you're doing well, or if you get within 15 feet, you're doing really good. You're not trying to get anywhere close to the hole, you're just trying to get somewhere on the green, and then if you make a putt, you make a putt, and I feel like I was.

Sometimes I would get within like 10 feet and then I would just try and make it and it's all working out.

Q. There's been a few players this week who said they're just going to go after pins, go after pins, and you're the first one honestly who's said I'm just going to go at 20 feet and try to make a putt. Is it hard to stay patient like that during a round?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, it is, especially when you're down in a match. I was 2-down in my first match in the round of 64, and you feel like, well, now I kind of have to be a chaser, I have to be the person that goes after pins when she's just trying to get on the green.

But you've still got to stay patient, let other people make mistakes when they make mistakes. If you just keep getting consistent pars, someone has got to get a bogey in there, and you've just got to keep trying to make birdies and make pars when you can.

Q. You've obviously played a ton of match play this year. What would you say is your favorite aspect of match play?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like the best part of match play is you're just playing the one person, and you don't have to worry about everybody else. Especially this morning with the conditions that there were, there was a bunch of wind, and in stroke play you can have someone going off at like 7:00 a.m. and there's no wind, no conditions at all, and I feel like it's great that you can have someone that has the wind, has the conditions that you have when you're playing them.

Q. You've had such a good year. What's the biggest jump for you from one year ago?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like my management has definitely got better. If you asked me last year, I probably would have been one of those people that's like, I'm going at every pin, I'm getting within one foot of every pin and making birdie on every hole. It's like, I wasn't this good, either. I've grinded out this whole year. I've been playing so much golf and practicing so much. My game has just gotten a lot better.

You can't just be bad at management when you're not that good enough to go at every pin. With the way I am now, still, if I would have went at every pin today, I wouldn't have played good.

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