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August 8, 2024

Kendall Todd

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You're a quarterfinalist at the U.S. Women's Amateur. How does that sound?

KENDALL TODD: It sounds pretty nice.

Q. What were your expectations coming into the week? How were you playing coming in and what were you thinking for what was realistic or what were your goals for the week coming in?

KENDALL TODD: I'm playing really well, just came off of a win a couple weeks ago, so I've been playing really well. Game feels really good. I was just staying patient with myself and not expecting -- well, obviously expecting to do well, but just keeping it slow and not getting ahead of myself.

Q. What has your experience been like so far this week? You were tested with the wind this morning and the heat this afternoon. It's been pretty tough out there.

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, definitely a tough course. It exposes your weaknesses, so just trying to miss it in the right area, trying to hit it in the right area and give yourself the best chance to score or make par. Pars are great.

Q. You played really well the last few days. Has the game plan changed going from stroke play to match play, especially at a course that can be as challenging as this one?

KENDALL TODD: Yeah, just making sure to put it in the right places to put pressure on the other player and just keep going in the right direction.

Q. When you play as well as you did today, obviously going out and getting that big massive win, is there anything you need to work on or anything you're going to try and focus in on going into tomorrow?

KENDALL TODD: No, honestly that second match I played a lot better than the first match. Feeling really good going into tomorrow.

Q. What was better about the second one compared to the first?

KENDALL TODD: Just mentality. I felt a lot more confident over everything, and I felt like everything went the way I wanted it to.

Q. How high is the confidence level now after that?

KENDALL TODD: A lot higher.

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