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August 8, 2024

Anna Davis

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What did you think when you saw how the bracket was going to shake out and you were going to get Anna in the round of 16?

ANNA DAVIS: No, I knew it was going to be a good match. I haven't played here before, but I hear she's a great player. I hate playing good players, really top-ranked players early in the bracket. But it was good. It was a good match. We both played really well.

Q. Does it motivate you at all when you see someone like that in the bracket or is it just do your own thing and just play the game?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, still just have to play your own game. I think you obviously have to expect for it to be a good match. It's going to be a hard match. But yeah, it was definitely a grind.

Q. It was back and forth; what made you stay locked in out there?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, exactly. I would do something good on one hole and the next hole she would make a putt, like oh, my gosh. It was very back and forth, but it was great.

Q. Does meeting someone like that early in the bracket get you a little more locked in?

ANNA DAVIS: I think so.

Q. Knowing you've got that at least 1 percent out of the way, get you ready for the next few rounds here?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, it's like if I can beat this player, I definitely can take on the next one. Kind of gets you in that kind of mindset.

Q. Your second Women's Am and your second quarterfinal?

ANNA DAVIS: Second, yeah.

Q. Why didn't you play the year you won --

ANNA DAVIS: I played the British Open. It was at the same time.

Q. How tough was that decision to go over there and not play in the Women's Am?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, it was definitely a hard decision. I was already over there, so it kind of worked out that way. But it was tough to miss out on the Am. It's crazy when people say last year was my first Am. I was like, oh, my gosh, I didn't even realize. It feels like I've played in a million of these.

Q. How comfortable do you feel out here with all the match play experience and all the big tournament experience you've had so far in your career?

ANNA DAVIS: Right, I feel like I've played so much match play these first few events, too, because that's all I've played. But it's great to have that kind of experience and play all these great players.

Q. I feel like every time I've seen you win or be successful it's been a different part of your game that's stood out. Obviously today was the putter that was just rolling. What was it about today? What was going so well for you on the greens?

ANNA DAVIS: I don't know, sometimes you just kind of get in that groove, and it just felt hot today. That's funny. Yeah, it felt good. Sometimes you go out and -- I've been putting on these greens for five days, so you kind of get used to them. My caddie Jenny is a really good green reader, too. She does a little AimPoint, so she's been reading the greens a little bit.

Q. How early do you know when you've got a hot putter? Do you know when you're warming up on the practice green or is it when you're out on the course and you roll in a few?

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, for sure. I think I rolled in a few on the front nine. Even when they weren't going in, it just felt really good. My stroke felt really good. It was about by like the fifth hole and I was hitting my lag putts really well, too. I was like, just a matter of time these are going to start going in.

Q. How much of a benefit is it to have a caddie with some experience and course knowledge?

ANNA DAVIS: She's great. I think it's great, too. We're kind of the same age. I've never had a girl caddie for me who's the same age as me, too, so it's been really fun.

Yeah, she's great. She knows this course. She plays at Tulsa, so Tulsa plays here sometimes. She's been great on the bag. I've really enjoyed her.

Q. (Indiscernible).

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, I haven't seen her play, but I think we both think very similarly, but we just kind of -- before my shot, I'm like, I'm going to aim over here, stuff like that, and I think we just kind of get along really well like golf-wise.

Q. How did you get matched up with her?

ANNA DAVIS: I asked the caddie master and he said (indiscernible) so yeah. I didn't have to do much work at all. She's been great so far.

Q. (On what she has to do this weekend.)

ANNA DAVIS: I don't know, just some good golf. Pretty golf course, so should be good.

Q. Happy there's no more 36-hole days of golf on the schedule?


Q. Have you heard any stories about Jenny's mom and your coach from back in the day when they were at Tulsa yet?

ANNA DAVIS: I haven't heard many stories, but I know they're good buddies. Tulsa played at our regional at Auburn, too, and her mom came and stayed with our coach. But I think they're good buddies. They look like they're having a good time.

Q. Jenny mentioned that Billy was going to caddie for you.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, he was supposed to, and then he (indiscernible) I'm good, I'm going to stay at Auburn for a little while and get ready for golf season. He kind of bailed on me like two weeks ago.

Q. I'd say it worked out pretty well.

ANNA DAVIS: Yeah, it did. She's doing great.

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