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August 8, 2024

Rose Zhang

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

ROSE ZHANG: I'm like it went pretty well. I played pretty steady today. Just in general, I was able to grind on par putts and able to keep the round going. Overall pretty satisfied. There are some things I need to adjust but that's kind of just game plan for the next two days.

Q. How do you sort of manage the mix of aggressiveness versus -- you could be really crazy and go for things.

ROSE ZHANG: Sometimes it just depends on what you do out there. It varies from player to player but usually I'm able to get the ball in the fairway and that's when you can assess whether you can be a little more aggressive or not. I think off the tee is the one of the most important things.

Q. So does that mean you're going to be more conservative off the tee and aggressive if you're --

ROSE ZHANG: Novel. I think obviously you want to be in the fairway but you also want to give yourself the best chances and opportunities. I think it will be just regular game plan to get in the fairway but also give yourself a decent yardage.

Q. In a tournament where fourth place doesn't mean a whole lot, do you feel like there will be some more aggressive play this weekend because everyone is kind of looking at the leaderboard.

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, I don't really leaderboard watch. I think some players do like do. There is a lot more I guess -- well there's a lot more importance for the top three this week for sure.

So I think, yes, there will be an opportunity to go for things when opportunities arise.

Q. Looking at the leaderboard, all the U.S. players were kind of close together, 1-under, 2-under, something like that. Is there an advantage that you guys are going to be on a similar schedule tomorrow?

ROSE ZHANG: I think everyone has been on their individual schedules but we definitely have a lot of team spirit with each other. So there will be good laughs and we'll just enjoy the time, especially competing out here and representing the USA, that's what we take pride in.

Q. Any side bets since you're all so close together?

ROSE ZHANG: No side bet. We'll figure that out.

Q. Anything you wouldn't do normally?

ROSE ZHANG: I mean, we were able to go to swimming together on Saturday night. We went to the Team USA house. There are moments where we just collectively get together and get together at these incredible places.

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