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August 8, 2024

Ruoning Yin

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. 7-under, where did you find that at?

RUONING YIN: Still the same strategy as yesterday but yesterday my approach shot was absolutely sh-t, but today I hit a couple good shots but still for the tee shots, still hit a little off. I had a really good recovery on 10. Overall it was a pretty solid round.

Q. Three birdies in a row, how good did that make you feel to keep the rest of the round going?

RUONING YIN: On the first hole, my initial thought was I just want to make a revenge there. It was pretty good. I hit a really good putt and I just can't see the line perfectly, and then just see the ball go into the hole was pretty good.

Then second hole, wedge in. Leave myself a good chance for birdie, and third hole was a par 5. So birdie the third. It was pretty good start.

Q. In Rio in 2016, Shanshan won a medal. I know you've joined her in a lot of different categories on the LPGA but to join her in that Olympic category, still 36 holes to go but do you think about that moment at all ask did she inspire you to make it here?

RUONING YIN: I think I just focus on each shot, each round, and tomorrow is a new day for me.

Q. How do you build on this?

RUONING YIN: I mean, I think I'm one shot back. So I mean, I felt like my game, if I can put the ball on the fairway, and hit my approach shot good, that will leave myself a really good chance going to the last round. So yeah, just keep patient, be patient.

Q. Lydia Ko was saying earlier, pars are as important as birdies on this course because it's so tough. Do you agree with that in do you feel like your pars today, not dropping shots, was really important today?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, I mean, this course is really, I think it's a really tough course and quality course. Obviously there is penalty areas, and obviously you make par, it's better than a bogey, right.

I think you've just got to play smart.

Q. Have you had a chance to look at the leaderboard, like what do you think of the names that are out there right now?

RUONING YIN: Yeah, I was looking at the leaderboard all the time. I played with Morgane a couple times. She's a really good player and looking forward to playing with her tomorrow.

Q. Have you seen any other sports this week?

RUONING YIN: I love the pins. I did the same thing when I played the Asian Games last year. For me, the coolest thing so far, I would say is the Village. I was going to go see volleyball today but I was so tired. In the middle of the round, I told Dave, I'm not going today. Yeah, see the Village and hope I get a chance to see other sports in the next few days.

Q. Asian Games, how much did that prepare you for this kind of experience and your Olympic debut?

RUONING YIN: It's kind of similar but Olympics always is more important for me, and for me, I don't have a lot of chance to wear the team uniform to play in tournaments. So I'm very thankful for week, and like I said earlier, it feels like a normal week for me. It's just two more rounds to go.

Q. When you showed up today and Morgane was already 10-under, what did you think?


Q. Did it change anything?

RUONING YIN: Not really. I was on the range warming up and I saw the leaderboard and Morgane was 6-under through nine, something -- well, I was talking to my coach, how can someone shoot this low at this course. But I think it's just her day.

Q. When you go birdie, birdie and go to the par 5, what clubs did you hit on the first two holes?

RUONING YIN: First two, I had a 7-iron for first one and pitching wedge for the second one.

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