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August 8, 2024

Minjee Lee

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. After a tough start, you must be roud of how you held it together?

MINJEE LEE: I felt like starting today, even warming up, I felt pretty good. But obviously you never know with golf. Sometimes it doesn't quite suit your eye, even though I played practise rounds, played the first round.

So yeah, I obviously started bogey and then double. It doesn't help with trying to claw back. I think trying to keep it together, it was nice with the birdie on 18. I've got a few things to work on and hopefully I can turn it up for the weekend.

Q. Birdies are hard to come by out there. Is it getting close to the greens or reading the greens?

MINJEE LEE: I think it's a little bit of both. There's a lot of water out there. So a lot of the pins, you can't really go for them and then you miss it a little bit and you're in the rough or you're in the bunker where you're short-sided. So I feel like the placement of like the pins were really good today for the conditions that we had. I'm not sure if it's going to get super, super windy for the back half of the wave but I think it was really smart out there today where they put the pins and how they set up the golf course.

So yeah, I mean, it's just a really great test of golf out there, and the greens, they are quite tough to read. I think -- I'm not sure if the boys said that, too. But they look very straight and they do go straight. But it's whether you really believe that it's going to go straight or not, and sometimes some break, and you don't really see the break. It's a little bit of everything I think.

Q. Celine and Morgane have had low rounds the last two days. Do you see a low round out there?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, I mean, there's definitely a low round. You just have to pick your moments and hit -- when you have like the short clubs in, you just take advantage. Today obviously I didn't. I definitely think there's a score out there.

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