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August 7, 2024

Bailey Shoemaker

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. It's been 10 hours and 15 minutes since the playoff started this morning. Do you remember that was today?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: I do, yeah. It doesn't even feel like it was today. That was crazy. It's my first ever USGA playoff. Obviously I was disappointed to even be in it, but it was a grind. I knew that if I just make the par game like we do at school, just whoever makes the most pars will win.

Q. You're the only one from the 10 to then win your match. What was it like, that break in the middle of the day, and how did you reset?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: It was just really hot, and I feel like -- my dad and I talked about it, it's tough to wake up at 5:00 and then wait until an afternoon match. I think everybody knew we were going to be dead by the afternoon. It was so hot out there. It was tough. But it was just kind of survival of the fittest. I'm good friends with Zoe, and I come off the course, and my dad was like, you both sucked today. He's like, you both played terrible. He's right. We were both hot, tired, and just survival of the fittest.

Q. What's it mean to be faced with adversity like this and dig down and even with a 5 right there end up winning the match?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Yeah, just giving yourself the most opportunity possible and never think you're out of it because anything can happen in match play, especially here at Southern Hills. Super hard venue, and in this heat. Just always put yourself in position and never think you're out of it because anything can happen in match play. Just drinking a lot of water and pacing myself, too, and not getting ahead of myself.

Q. Beth is new to the Trojan squad. How is she as a caddie? What does she do for you?

BAILEY SHOEMAKER: Well, she's a UCLA Bruin grad, so she wasn't really sure she wanted to win quite frankly. But she fared well straight from Gainesville, so she's quite used to the heat, as am I. It's been great. It's obviously the best opportunity to get to know her, just spending 15 hours a day with her walking the course, her helping me with water.

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