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August 7, 2024

Asterisk Talley

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. You were down the whole front nine. How did you stay in it halfway through?

ASTERISK TALLEY: Yeah, I was trying to stay patient throughout the round. I knew that I had a couple easy holes coming up and that if I could just hit greens, I might be able to get a one-putt in there. Just leaving yourself from two-putt distance every hole is fine, and if you get a one-putt in there every once in a while, that's great.

But just trying to leave yourself pars is good in match play because sometimes that just wins the hole. You're just trying to win every hole. But you've got to stay patient through match play because that's really all it is.

Q. What was working well that last handful of holes that you were able to pick up a couple on?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I feel like I was just doing that, leaving myself 15 feet or less, and then I made a good putt on 11 for birdie. It was a good two-putt distance, and I made it.

Then on 17, I made another good one, and she just ended up making some bogeys, and that's really what matters is just keep making pars and birdies and trying to see if that wins the match.

Q. It was a great putt to win it. About how far was that and what did you see in it?

ASTERISK TALLEY: It was around like 18 feet, but it was -- you had to putt it like 12 because it was so downhill. It moved a little left, but I was just like, again, trying to two-putt from there because I knew 18 was tough, so if I did go to 18 I would just par and then hopefully win the match.

I was just trying to lag it up there, and it ended up going in, and that's really what it was today. Just trying to lag it, and then if it goes in, it goes in.

Q. This is your 11th match play win in USGA championships this year. How confident are you out there in match play?

ASTERISK TALLEY: I mean, basically all year I've been playing match play. It's been back-to-back-to-back of just match play. I feel like I'm getting more comfortable this year. I'm getting better at it. I feel like I'm getting more confident as the weeks go by, as the tournaments go by. It just kind of helps to get some experience before you play a tournament like this, and I feel like I've been getting a lot of help, so it's been great.

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