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August 7, 2024

Jasmine Koo

Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

Southern Hills Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Heck of a shot you hit in there on 18. Tell me about how far that was and about the shot.

JASMINE KOO: I think it was like -- I don't know, it was playing 190 with the uphill and the wind and everything, and my 6-wood goes 195 stock and my 4-iron goes 185 stock. I was in between clubs, and then I go, well, I'm under a little bit of pressure. I would want to do a full swing rather than a shorter half swing, so I was like, I'm just going to rip the 4-iron, and it was just flushed.

Q. Did you know it was going to be close as soon as you hit it?

JASMINE KOO: Well, I thought it was going to be a little short because of that huge uphill, but we went up there and we were just like, oh, yeah, we won this thing.

Q. You were down one with three holes to play. What are you thinking at that point?

JASMINE KOO: Well, I mean, I never felt, like, uncomfortable. I never felt hopeless out there. I was more, like, upset. I was like, why did I just double.

I kind of just grinded. I never felt -- like I said, I never felt hopeless. I never felt like I was going to lose out there.

Q. What happened on 16 and 17?

JASMINE KOO: 16, I had a right-to-left uphill six-, seven-footer to win the hole, and it was funny because -- in the morning I had nothing to eat. I don't know why. I just didn't eat anything. Over 16 I was so nervous when she was putting, but then I set down my ball and I see black dots, and I'm more worried if I'm going to pass out than the putt I'm going to make. I was like, what is going on. It took the nerves off, which helped me a lot.

Then 17, she hit it in the water after I striped it, so it was a lot of pressure off.

Then 18, I was like, I just need to hit one close.

Q. Did you get a snack after 16?

JASMINE KOO: No, I had a Gatorade. I chugged a Gatorade.

Q. You've played some really impressive golf in 2024. What would a deep run here mean to add to your resume?

JASMINE KOO: I feel like a win here would really set me award from other amateur golfers. This is really the biggest amateur tournament, women's amateur tournament out there. Kind of just set me as one of the top.

I feel like right now I am on level with a lot of the players in this field, and if I just grind it out -- how many more matches? Five more matches? I feel like I can really get my name out there, and it would be really cool.

Q. Now that you've seen Southern Hills a number of times, what are your thoughts on how it plays for match play?

JASMINE KOO: Well, the more I play it the more I dislike it because it's so quirky. It's so quirky, and naturally it's hard -- well, it was hard for me today because I hit five fairways and the girl I played hit like 14. Her driver is so good. It's so straight. It's really frustrating being in the rough because I think they let it grow out. If you're in the rough, the advantages you have against your opponent are so evident on this golf course. It is, like, mentally very taxing.

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