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August 7, 2024

Rose Zhang

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. Overall thoughts on the day? Did it play the way you expected to?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, it played difficult and I would say it's to be expected. Pretty satisfied with how I was able to maneuver myself around the golf course. Hit some errant shots but you know, that's to be expected when you're in difficult conditions.

Q. Once you've teed off did it feel like you were back in tournament mode like any other week or was it any different?

ROSE ZHANG: It did feel a little bit like back in tournament week just doing your own thing. Making sure that you're staying in the moment. I'd say it's a little bit different with the crowds, and the crowds have been amazing no matter what you do or what you shoot. They are still cheering you on and cheering for your country. It's still really nice to have that support.

Q. It's such a big property, sometimes when you look around, there are people everywhere. Do you get that sense at all?

ROSE ZHANG: Yeah, I do get that sense. It's really nice to have the crowds and there's a little bit more light on women's golf in general. That's really fun, especially with it being the Olympics.

Q. Par 5s key out here?

ROSE ZHANG: Par 5s are very key out here.

Q. You missed the fairway on 3, right?


Q. 18, what did you do?

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, I missed the fairway on 18.

Q. How important was it for you to make this team and have this opportunity? Did you have that in the back of your head?

ROSE ZHANG: It was definitely in the back of my head, especially with the Olympics only being every four years, me having the opportunity to be able to play so early on is something that I've only dreamed of. So being able to really make it and play well the last couple of event helped me a lot.

Q. When did it occur to you that this was a possibility this week?

ROSE ZHANG: It was after Cognizant where the rankings -- my World Rankings just soared up a little bit more than I expected. I thought, there's a good opportunity should I continue to play well. It was then that I was aware.

Q. Aditi travelled from Portland to get here.

ROSE ZHANG: Oh, yeah.

Q. Does that seem as crazy to you as it might to me?

ROSE ZHANG: I think it's pretty crazy. I'm not sure. I think she's the only one who did that, too, just because -- I don't know, it's crazy. I still haven't -- but she played well today I believe so it's going for her.

Q. Did the course play how you expected it? You didn't get a ton of prep time. Did it match what you thought?

ROSE ZHANG: It did match what I thought. I was able to play this golf course two years ago in competition at the World Amateur.

Q. How was it compared to that?

ROSE ZHANG: I think because it's the same golf course, it also played very difficult. Obviously it's an amateur event, and I think -- I saw a lot more lower scores today than I did see them at the Am. But all in all I think they both played equally difficult.

Q. Did you how do that week?

ROSE ZHANG: I played well. I think I won.

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