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August 4, 2024

Nataliya Guseva

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Okay, I'm here with Nataliya Guseva in what will probably be your best finish on the LPGA Tour. Just how happy are you with that result today?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, I'm honestly pretty happy. You know, I put a lot of work into that, but at the same time, I'm kind of disappointed because I knew like I could win this thing very easily.

You know, there is still a lot of work that I should do, and I'm that type of person who's always just grinding out there, putting the work in.

Yeah, I'm happy that I'm here on the LPGA and just happy to play every day with the best players in the world. It's such a pleasure being out here and watching the best players out here, yeah.

Q. What are some of the highlights of the round today or even the week for you?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: The whole week I was pretty present. I was just, you know, kind of enjoying myself on the golf course because it's a very, very beautiful golf course, tree-lined. I mean, it's my first time in Portland; good coffee.

So I enjoyed myself definitely around here, and just meeting new people all the time. I'm still learning. It's still my rookie year. I feel like it's a big learning curve that you should go through your first year. Same as on the Epson Tour, same as here.

So it's great that every week I kind of learn something and go from there. It's great that my team is always there for me no matter what. No matter like what ups and downs I have in my career.

So, yeah, I'm just so grateful for them.

Q. Last question. You just mentioned working on some things. What sort of things are you going to be working on and looking forward to as you head into the next couple events?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: You know, a lot of players would say like I'll work on putting, like on driving, or something like that for sure.

But mostly mentally. Like I really want to kind of take a rest from golf for like at least five days and not think about it. Because it's been a lot of -- I mean, four weeks in a row; a lot of golf.

I just want to really mentally rest a little bit before going back and just get ready. Hopefully still I can manage to get a win out here.

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