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August 4, 2024

Narin An

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Narin after her final round at the Portland Classic. A great final round that you had today. Including a hole-in-one. Just talk about how today was for you.

NARIN AN: I think I made like really good putts and then I got really good par save on number, was like 14 I think, 14, 15. Yeah, that was like made me more like make a momentum to good things.

So, yeah, was good.

Q. It was awesome. And talk about the hole-in-one. Was that your first hole-in-one ever or was it...

NARIN AN: On the tour, yes. LPGA was first.

Q. And do you know how many you've had in your life?

NARIN AN: Four or five I think.

Q. Okay. Got you. So this was either the fifth or sixth hole -- in-one you've ever had?

NARIN AN: Oh, no, no. Four or five with this one.

Q. Awesome. Talk about the shot. Did you see it go in? What was your reaction?

NARIN AN: I would like to saw it but I couldn't see it. So like greens are bright and then ball was white, so like couldn't see it.

But I heard the sound from the green, like around the green, the spectators. First time like, Whooo, and then like Rahhhh, like this. It was awesome.

Q. Talk about your thought process going into today. Obviously never know how low you're going to go. Were you really trying to move up the leaderboard on the last day?

NARIN AN: Actually I got like little uncomfortable for my back because this morning. When I stretching I got like a cramp, something like that in my back, so not good condition.

But I hit really good shots and good putts, so, yeah. Good.

Q. Yeah. We don't know where you end up yet, but just talk about how proud you are of this week and your performance this week.

NARIN AN: I think I did really good this week. Like here is like too hot right now, so, yeah, just hang on. Hang on tight.

Q. Yeah.

NARIN AN: It was good.

Q. Last question: The CME will donate $20,000 to the St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital since you made a hole-in-one. What does that mean to you and what's your reaction to that?

NARIN AN: I didn't know about that, but it feels really good. I mean, to children as hospital, right?

Q. Yep.

NARIN AN: Really good thing. I'm happy to help them, yeah.

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