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August 4, 2024

Ingrid Lindblad

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Ingrid after of final round of the Portland Classic. Just talk about how the week has been, your first non-major LPGA event.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, I think it's been great. It's a nice golf course where you can make a ton of birdies. Even if you don't hit it great you still have a lot of good chances.

I think it's been a pretty good week. I've played well. I haven't had a single three putt in four rounds. Just some tee shots that are a little off. Otherwise I played really well.

Q. And you spent most of your time on the Epson Tour this year. What do you think you learned? And you started in plenty of LPGA events. But every time you start a new one, what do you think you learn?

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think I learn more out here. I played with Lauren -- I can't pronounce her last name.

Q. Coughlin.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Coughlin. I was very impressed by her. Like she's just like fairway, fairway, fairway. Of course out here she shot a bogey-free 6-under yesterday.

Q. I think it was, yeah.

INGRID LINDBLAD: It was just fairway, fairway, fairway. So I think that's something they're very good at here. They don't have necessarily hit it crazy far. Just that's a little different.

I feel like it's a golf course where you have to be a little bit more precise off the tee otherwise you get blocked out or you're in the trees.

I think everyone who is here deserves to be here. So feel like no matter who you play with you're going to learn something.

Q. Absolutely. What are you most proud of of yourself this week? I know early; you just wrapped up.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, no, I think like no three-putts. No three-putts in four rounds, that's pretty good, because I did have a few like 50-footer -- I drained a 60-footer today, so that helped a lot.

Q. Amazing.

INGRID LINDBLAD: It was like, let's just two putt this, but I drained it, so I was like, all right, we're good.

And then I would say no three-putts.

Q. I love that.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Sometimes when you miss just a hair the ball just spins off a little bit, so I had a couple of longer like 50-footers up the slopes and managed to two-putt all of them.

Q. Heck yeah.

INGRID LINDBLAD: I'll take that.

Q. Last question: What's next? What's next on the schedule?

INGRID LINDBLAD: So I go back to Baton Rouge tomorrow for a week off, to the sauna as I call it. Then I play another Epson up here in Pendleton. Yeah, so we leave in about a week. Monday, next Monday.

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