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August 4, 2024

Min Woo Lee

Minjee Lee

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. What's it like being here at the Olympics together? What's the experience like?

MINJEE LEE: It's pretty cool. Got to watch Min for a couple holes and kind of surreal to be able to watch him on the other side of the ropes as an Olympian. It's really cool. I'm really happy that he made it this year and we're both wearing green and gold.

Q. And family is here as well. So it must mean so much to have everyone here.

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, it's cool, Mum and Gram is cooking, haven't seen Gram, is in a long time. Cool to have them out. It's nice to have family together and they are staying pretty close to us so it's good to see them.

Q. What about the experience of an Olympics, have you been able to get Min Woo some advice?

MINJEE LEE: Not really because this is kind of the Olympics where everybody was able to come out and watch. Rio and like Tokyo were a little bit different.

So yeah, I think it's just kind of the atmosphere is much different from the other Olympics that I have been at so far. Hoping for a great turnout for the women.

Q. Any tips for your sister?

MIN WOO LEE: In the first round, where not to hit it, of course. I think she'll go pretty well here. It's a ball-striker's course. Obviously putting well. And yeah, I think tee-to-green, you need to be pretty proper. If you're in the rough, you can get some smelly lies. I think my sister will do just fine, and yeah, I mean, just go and have fun, which she does.

Q. It's quite a difficult course; is that right? Minute yeah, it's very demanding and obviously water on some holes where they are already tough, which also makes it tough, too.

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, it's demanding. It's just in the corner of your eye, the water. The first couple holes are tough and the last three, four holes are tough, too. So just keep it dry and you'll be okay.

Q. Think she can come home with a medal?

MIN WOO LEE: Yeah, of course, she's one of the best players over the last decade. I'm going to cheer from America but I think she'll do just fine.

Q. What do you make of the amphitheater finish?

MIN WOO LEE: It's very cool, the last few holes, a lot of people, which I was very surprised about and I think it's awesome for golf and yeah, it's nice. It's nice to see that.

Q. Do you feel as though it's a nice moment in time for the both of you to share in terms of all the hours shared?

MINJEE LEE: Yeah, of course. I spent so much time and a lot of my effort were spent at Royal Fremantle Golf Club practicing and playing, and I know the same at Min Woo. It's just a lovely representation of where we come from and I think it's just nice to reflect back on the journey to here.

MIN WOO LEE: Something in the water in Fremantle. Yeah, we obviously practise at Royal Fre and same as just to have the whole team around with three players on the Olympics team, it's a big effort; and unfortunately not the best result that I wanted to give. But yeah, I think the other three are going to and have been given a good crack, so really excited.

Q. What form are you in at the moment? Has it been a slightly disappointing year for you or a decent one?

MINJEE LEE: I probably haven't had the best finishes. I think I've only been in the top 10 like three times this year. With a little bit of equipment change here and there, still tweaking and still getting used to the ball and the club. It was always going to be a little bit of a transition and some time to get used to. You never know. Golf is golf and just looking forward to this week.

Q. Does that give you an extra buzz having the green and gold on as well?

MINJEE LEE: Always. Always, yeah.

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