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August 3, 2024

Angel Yin

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Angel after her third round of the perfection. Another 6-under round today. Talk about how it went out there today and what you shot on the course.

ANGEL YIN: I always feel like you're going to give me the mic. Course condition is good. Greens are a little slower. Started out a little slow, so I was adjusting to the speed the last two days.

They're rolling pure. Course is pure. Just trying to make some birdies, play some good golf, because I know it's going to be out there and the leader is going to keep going.

I'm just trying to chase.

Q. 6-under, 5-under, then 6-under again. What's been so consistent and maybe the same across your game over the last three days?

ANGEL YIN: Good shots. My shots are actually getting better in my approaches. Putts, my putting didn't feel as good as the last two days but my approach shots really stepped it up.

I have a good caddie, so she's pumping me up throughout the entire round. She's got a good eye. Every time I ask her, I need a little tip here and there, she's got it.

So it's been really good teamwork.

Q. Just talk about the birdiefest that it's been in this week across the board for everyone seems like. What it's like adjusting to that kind of golf, you know, where you're like just kind of around even, a little bit more maybe.

ANGEL YIN: I think -- obviously since the beginning of the week I think when the greens are this good girls are just going to start making a lot of putts.

That happens for every player out there. I think it's always really fun to make birdies. I don't know if it's like a huge adjustment. It's more like putts are dropping, shots are going, and you don't have to try to calculate which bounce it's going to take for it to go in the hole.

So a lot of consistency out there, and I think it just happens.

Q. You've been in a chasing position before. Talk about what you're looking forward to most about tomorrow and the opportunity.

ANGEL YIN: This time chasing on this golf course is a little bit different, because there is going to be a lot of birdies. I'm going to try to make some putts drop.

But it's going to be like the same like every other round. Chasing is fun, but also kind of brutal because you have to -- if the leader starts to run, then you can only chase.

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