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August 3, 2024

Nataliya Guseva

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Nataliya Guseva after her third round at the Portland Classic. Another low round for you this week. Can you just tell you about the day.

NATALIYA GUSEVA: Yeah, you know, so basically yesterday after shooting even par I didn't really have expectations, so I just got on the course and I know usually after the cut I have a good round, so I just didn't have expectations.

Just had fun out there. Just went for every pin. Went for every opportunity. Just gave myself a chance to have a chance for tomorrow as well. So, yeah, I'm excited for tomorrow, too.

Q. Is this a course where you feel like you have to chase birdies and like it feels weird if you're not making birdies?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I would say probably yes. It's weird in a way. So basically, yesterday every putt was not going in, and compared myself to today, like I kind of had opportunities and I just saw it and I just, you know, was making it.

So it was definitely fun out there. I think I could definitely shoot like 10-under least lose today, but I just know that I have a good game coming out for tomorrow, yeah.

Q. Did playing a little bit earlier help you today? How does the course sort of the change over the day?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I would say it was nice because it was not that really hot. I mean, this week we definitely got a really warm weather, so compared to Canada, you know, when where were like really freezing out there, it's nice to be in a warm weather.

But it was definitely like hot, like during this week, but it was nice out there. I think it was one of the best days on the golf course today. I think everyone enjoyed.

Q. Last question: Going into tomorrow obviously confident after your round today. What would a win out here mean to you tomorrow?

NATALIYA GUSEVA: I mean, it would definitely mean a lot. This opportunity that I'm going to have tomorrow, I will just try it use it.

Being one of the first ones from Russia, you know, to win the LPGA would be just great. I'm just so excited for that. I see that work that I put in is really -- you know, I can see it. I'm just so thankful for all my team, my coaches and everyone who are always there for me for all the ups and downs.

Golf is a big struggle sometimes. We lose more than we win. It's kind of hard sometimes to come back and to just do whatever you can do. So, yeah.

Q. It would mean a lot.


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