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August 3, 2024

Nick Taylor

Paris, France

Le Golf National

Quick Quotes

Q. I wanted to ask you a quick question about your experience this week, even though you would like to be doing better and all that good stuff, you get back to the grind next week. What is that like going from a cool week regardless to right back into the grind?

NICK TAYLOR: For probably how my play has been the last little bit, I can take kind of what this experience is like and maybe the mentality going into the week into future events. We probably take our job way too seriously at times, and you can get discouraged and think it's the end of the world. We obviously live a great life and I get to play golf for a living.

Yeah, it's been frustrating but if I kind of have a looser attitude, try to have fun, I can personally take that going forward.

Q. Why are you playing next week?

NICK TAYLOR: Just where I am in the FedEx. Get some momentum going into the Playoffs. I'm 50 right now. I really like next week's golf course. I have had some good results there. For me we spent the summers in Vancouver, so going back there and all the way to Memphis didn't make sense either.

Q. Such a big start to the year, Phoenix, putter drop still one of my favourites of the year, Bay Hill was actually pretty good, too. Where did momentum stall for you?

NICK TAYLOR: Yeah, honestly, a lot of it has just been, I was putting great for a long time and I just lost momentum on the greens. My game will probably tell you, it filters back through. Just not scoring great. That's been the story this week, too.

Q. Spinning wheels?

NICK TAYLOR: Yeah, just shooting as high as you possibly can every single round. Iron play has been great this week. I've given myself a lot of chances. Today was nice to shoot under par and get some momentum in the right direction but I felt like if it was good putting today, again, it would have been 6-under.

Q. Have you watched that Phoenix putt? Do you ever look at yourself, your reaction?

NICK TAYLOR: Yeah, I've seen it. I feel like that and Canada were out-of-body experiences where I've probably fist-pumped 15 times in my career, and those were pretty aggressive ones. Maybe the atmosphere just brings it out in me but yeah, they have been fun.

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