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August 2, 2024

Grace Kim

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Grace Kim after her second round at the Portland Classic. Playing awesome these past two days. Just talk about how it feels out there.

GRACE KIM: I mean, I guess throughout the start of the week I really worked hard on my technicality of the swing. Obviously missed the cut last week and it was a bit disappointing. Hit it great but couldn't get the ball rolling.

I knew my swing had a bit of tweaking to do, so I did all that early in the week, and then the last two days just kind of played with what I had. Had to work with what I had.

Q. And how nice is it to see the numbers like this after putting in that work probably last weekend and then as well before we started here?

GRACE KIM: I mean, I went into this week knowing that it was going to be a bit of a birdiefest. Obviously it's soft greens, all the girls are very accurate, so everyone is going to attack the pins.

Yeah, it is quite nice to see my name back on top. Yeah, hopefully just do it again at the weekend.

Q. Talk about climbing the leaderboard. How do you get in that mentality, that mindset of going as low as possible, especially when you know it's going to be a birdiefest, and especially compared to last week where it might not have been a birdiefest out there?

GRACE KIM: I think making sure you don't force too much. Obviously it can quickly turn ugly, so making sure you hit all the fairways and greens as much as you can.

And then, yeah, attack appropriately and hopefully make putts. I think making sure that you're in play is obviously very key. Yeah, I know that forcing something is not going to be good.

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