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August 2, 2024

Angel Yin

Portland, Oregon, USA

Columbia Edgewater Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Angel Yin after her second round at the Portland Classic. Another solid round of golf today. Just talk about how it's been going the past few days.

ANGEL YIN: It's been going really good. Can't really complain. Putting has been really decent actually. It's actually -- I got my feel back and it's really good to see my putts roll in again and see my line again.

So that is a huge plus for me, and hitting it pretty good. So that's also showing up. Just very thankful that the score is showing up. Sometimes you can play really good golf and score doesn't really show up.

Q. Is that something you were working on with the putting heading into this week or recently?

ANGEL YIN: Yeah, so I told Emily yesterday that I found my feel on Sunday last week. It was a little late for that tournament but it was good for this tournament.

So I've been trying to just upkeep it and try to find my feel more and more. Because ever since I broke my foot my feel just like disappeared in thin air, so that's what I've been trying to strive to get back every day.

Q. What is it about this golf course you like?

ANGEL YIN: I love the trees. I know there is a huge movement in golf where everyone goes in and chops trees down. I love trees. Course is beautiful. Condition of it is unbelievable. The greens that we're putting on I think are the best we putt on on all year, even including majors.

Q. What do you like most about Portland? Anything you've done since you've been here that you enjoy or want to go do?

ANGEL YIN: I always go to Canon Beach every single year. It's more like an annual trip. I love it. Oregon itself is just so pretty. Their trees are gigantic. You know, people here are good, cool, and hip, and coffee is always good.

I don't want to sound like every golfer talking about coffee. Everyone is talking about coffee. The ice cream here is good and also the shopping for the employee stores which is pretty...

Q. Clutch.

ANGEL YIN: So grateful to be going honestly. Saves me a lot of money and there is no sales tax, so it's great.

Q. And I'll just ask you really fast about your caddie. You seem to be having a lot of the fun out there together.


Q. Just talk about your relationship out there.

ANGEL YIN: Well, she's a friend so she's helped me just relax and just be a friend out there. Since she's a friend, just trusting my own instincts and getting my own numbers. She does double check me on my numbers, but I been call out my own shots.

Juli talked to me in the beginning of the year where I just need to trust myself a little bit more. Sometimes I listen to the caddie and it gets all mixed up. I think this is really good building for me.

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